Internal Advisory Board

The Internal Advisory Board (IAB) provides strategic and organizational guidance to the EC from the perspective of institutional growth and development. IAB members include senior leaders from each of the collaborating institutions, ensuring institutional commitment to the Center.

Board Members

Joe Bonfiglio

Joe Bonfiglio

Executive Director of U.S. Region | Environmental Defense Fund

Lynn Goldman

Lynn R. Goldman

Michael and Lori Milken Dean of the Milken Institute School of Public Health | George Washington University

Alan Greenberg

Alan Greenberg

Director of the District of Columbia Center for AIDS Research (DC CFAR) and Professor of Epidemiology | George Washington University

Kim Jones

Kimberly Jones

Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Howard University

Jim Kinder

Jim Kinter

Director of the Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA) and Chair of the Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences | George Mason University