
The REACH Center organizes and co-sponsors a diverse set of events throughout the year. Learn more about upcoming events open to Center members and the broader climate and health community at the events calendar below.

Upcoming Events


John Ben seminar

Join John Ben Soileau, Program Officer at the National Academy of Sciences and REACH Center Visiting Scholar, for a seminar on Monday, April 7th from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST!

Climate change is driving extreme events that amplify displacement risks, and in some cases challenge the possibility of communities remaining in place as the sea rises and coastal lands subside. The impacts of extreme climate events, including their displacement risks, significantly impact the well-being and mental health of individuals and communities.

This seminar uses a recent study by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Community-driven Relocation, to discuss the importance of centering well-being in climate adaptation and resilience strategies. The discussion will be contextualized by the REACH center’s multi-institutional approach to the health and equity impacts of climate change adaptation by discussing how community engagement and cross-sectoral partnerships can put affected communities at the center of policy, planning, and implementation processes.
This event is co-hosted by the Research and Engagement for Action on Climate and Health (REACH) Center and the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and will be held in a hybrid format: In person at the Milken Institute School of Public Health, 4th Floor Conference Room, or if attending via Zoom, the link will be provided upon registration. Lunch will be provided to those in person. Registration is required.



Archived Events

Mar 21, 2025 - Data Visualization Workshop 

The REACH Center and the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health co-hosted Dr. Xindi (Cindy) Hu, Assistant Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health, for a hands-on data visualization workshop. This 2-hour session covered fundamental design principles for effective data visualization, best practices for interactive visualizations using R Shiny, and how to leverage Shiny Assistant to accelerate the development process.

Materials related to this event:

  1. Presentation slides 
  2. GitHub Repository to workshop material
  3. Zoom recording from the event 
Mar 5, 2025 - George Mason REACH Center Introduction 

The REACH Center hosted an introductory session for the George Mason University community on this new NIH-funded climate and health exploratory research center. An overview of the Center's proposed activities was provided, followed by a discussion on how the new Center can help investigators develop climate and health research.

Session Recording Available (password given upon request)

Mar 4, 2025 - Team Science Overview with Gaetano Lotrecchiano 

The REACH Center and the GW Alliance for a Sustainable Future co-hosted Dr. Gaetano Lotrecchiano, Associate Professor of Clinical Research and Leadership and of Pediatrics, for an overview of the latest developments in the field of team science. This session examined what makes an effective team, with a particular focus on how best to apply these ideas to existing and future collaborations.

Session Recording Available (password given upon request)

Feb 15, 2025 - Howard REACH Center Introduction

The REACH Center hosted an introductory session for the Howard University community on this new NIH-funded climate and health exploratory research center. An overview of the Center's proposed activities was provided, followed by a discussion on how the new Center can help investigators develop climate and health research.

Session Recording Available (request access)

Jan 15, 2025 - NIH Overview

The REACH Center co-hosted an overview of NIH structure, funding mechanisms, and review policies with the Office of the Vice Provost for Research and the Office of Research Excellence at the GW School of Public Health. This session enabled researchers to learn more about how to prepare a competitive proposal from concept to resubmission, and how to navigate available NIH resources.

Materials related to this event:

  1. Slides shared by Melissa Cornish, Managing Grants Consultant
  2. Slides shared by Esther Erkins, Research Enhancement Officer (GW specific)
  3. Zoom recording from the event 

Additional helpful resources related to this event:

  1. NIH Resources: NIH Grants Process Primer: Application to Award - Part One - Video, Part Two - Video
Dec 9, 2024 - Climate and Health - fostering collaborations between the geosciences and health science research communities

The REACH Center co-hosted a salon-style networking event with the CAFÉ RCC and the AGU GeoHealth section at the AGU Annual Conference. Attracting around 150 attendees, this event brought together thought leaders across the climate and health community of practice to foster collaborations between experts in geosciences and health sciences, an effort that is essential to effectively address the health challenges posed by a changing climate.

Dec 4, 2024 - Trends in Climate Change Literature

The REACH Center and GW Alliance for a Sustainable Future co-hosted Michael Svoboda, Assistant Professor of Writing at GW, for an overview of the recent literature on climate change. Michael highlighted the trends in the ways—and places—we talk about climate change, in peer-reviewed literature, in think tank reports, and in the popular press.

Session Recording Available (password given upon request)

Nov 25, 2024 - Federal Investments to Accelerate Research at the Intersection of Geoscience and Health Sciences Panel

This virtual event, co-organized by the AGU GeoHealth Section, the CAFÉ RCC, the GeoCAFE Research Coordination Network, and the REACH Center, explored innovative approaches for advancing cross-disciplinary research and fostering collaborations between federal agencies. The session included introductory remarks from Susan Anenberg (GWU) and Lynn Goldman (GWU), panel moderation by Lucy Hutyra (BU), and closing remarks from Greg Wellenius (BU). Panelists included Barbara Ransom (NSF), Tom Wagner (NASA), Monika Kopacz (NOAA), Yulia Carroll (CDC), Geoffrey S. Plumlee (USGS), Bryan J. Hubbell (EPA), and Aubrey K. Miller (NIH).

Session Recording Available

Nov 20, 2024 - Locked In: Water, Climate, and Your Role in the Fight

In a time of seemingly insurmountable divisiveness, one constant connects us all - the need for clean, safe water. But as climate change and mounting funding gaps continue to strain access, we are confronted with the question: who’s responsible for protecting this indispensable resource?

The REACH Center hosted Wendi Wilkes, current Biden-Administration appointee at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, for a peek behind the curtain of the agency's role in safeguarding water resources. In a fireside chat moderated by Dr. Alicia Cooperman, Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Affairs at George Washington University, the session explored the nexus between climate change, water access, public health, and equity—encouraging us to consider the role we too can play in solving one of our generation’s most pressing challenges.

Nov 19, 2024 - GW REACH Center Introduction 

The REACH Center hosted an introductory session for the GW community on this new NIH-funded climate and health exploratory research center. An overview of the Center's proposed activities was provided, followed by a discussion on how the new Center can help investigators develop climate and health research.

Session Recording Available (password given upon request)